14872 Audio Programmes | 34 Program Languages | 44 Program Themes | 156 CR Stations | 56 CR Initiatives | and growing...

Mud Mud Ke Na Dekh - Ep03 ( Hindi)   
 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

Mud Mud Ke Na Dekh is a dynamic 15 minute weekly series that builds and maintains a position for people with disabilities as we promote awareness, educate and inspire. It aims at building bridges between people with and without disabilities as well as entertaining and breaking down the mental and physical barriers and exposing the unique gifts and talents of people with disabilities. This 3rd episode continues the exploration of the basic disability awareness issues. Discussion between Ritika Sahni and Dr Asmita Huddar.

Mud Mud Ke Na Dekh ( Hindi)   
 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

Mud Mud Ke Na Dekh is a dynamic 15 minute weekly series that builds and maintains a position for people with disabilities as we promote awareness, educate and inspire. It aims at building bridges between people with and without disabilities as well as entertaining and breaking down the mental and physical barriers and exposing the unique gifts and talents of people with disabilities. This episode explores the basic disability awareness issues. Discussion between Ritika Sahni and Dr Asmita Huddar.

Living with disability ( Hindi)   
 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

Dr Anita Ghai, 49, is a Reader in Jesus and Mary College of Delhi University. She has been teaching psychology there since 1984.

Struck by polio when she was barely two, Dr Anita Ghai has had to undergo two heart surgeries and a painful treatment for breast cancer. But all this has not deterred her from pursuing her studies and other interests in life.

She went on to do her graduation and finished with doctorate in psychology from Delhi University.

She has extensively travelled all over the world and is an avid activist, fighting for the rights of disabled people. She also has a book to her credit titled Disembodied Form: Issues of Disabled Women.

In this interview, she talks passionately about the problems and issues of disabled people in India, as also about her own experiences of life.


Mud Mud Ke Na Dekh on Cross Disability Issues ( Hindi)   
 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

Mud Mud Ke Na Dekh is a dynamic 15 minute weekly series that builds and maintains a position in the media for people with disabilities as we promote awareness, educate and inspire. It aims at building bridges between people with and without disabilities as well as entertaining and breaking down the mental and physical barriers and exposing the unique gifts and talents of people with disabilities. The first episode explores the REASON FOR PRODUCING THIS SHOW. Discusiion between Ritika Sahni and Dr Asmita Huddar.

Eyeway: Yeh Hai Roshni Ka Karawan (Episode 133, Year4) ( Hindi)   
 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

This show was aired on All India Radio's Vividh Bharati and FM Rainbow networks on 10 March 2010. It is about dealing with blindness acquired in mid-life and moving ahead in life with vision impairment. Eyeway is a knowledge resource for living a fuller life with low vision or blindness. Mail your queries to helpdesk@eyeway.org or call 011-46070380 (Mon-Fri).

Eyeway: Yeh Hai Roshni Ka Karawan (Episode125) ( Hindi)   
 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

This show was aired on 22 July 2009 across 30 stations of Vividha Bharati. Meet Gangadharan—a lecturer in BHU, who went blind while in class 5. Next, in the Salaam Zindagi section, know how a blind steno typist rebuilt his skills to become productive for his employer again. This is followed by the contest question. Eyeway is a knowledge resource for living a fuller life with low vision or blindness. Mail your queries to helpdesk@eyeway.org or call 011-46070380 (Mon-Fri).

Eyeway: Yeh Hai Roshni Ka Karawan (Episode134 Year4) ( Hindi)   
 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

This show was aired on All India Radio's Vividh Bharati and FM Rainbow networks on 17 March 2010. It is about the various job opportunities for visually impaired people in the private sector. Eyeway is a knowledge resource for living a fuller life with low vision or blindness. Mail your queries to helpdesk@eyeway.org or call 011-46070380 (Mon-Fri).

Eyeway: Yeh Hai Roshni Ka Karawan (Episode135 Year4) ( Hindi)   
 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

This show was aired on All India Radio's Vividh Bharati and FM Rainbow networks on 24 March 2010, and talks about the various job opportunities for visually impaired people in the public (government) sector. Eyeway is a knowledge resource for living a fuller life with low vision or blindness. Mail your queries to helpdesk@eyeway.org or call 011-46070380 (Mon-Fri).

Children with disability - Baat nanhe dillo ki ( Hindi)   
 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

3rd December is the World Disability day. Everyone has the right to live, the right to lead a normal and healthy life with the basic needs taken care of. So do disabled children. This episode discusses the rights of disabled children. The symptoms of disability, the intensity, the reasons…all are discussed among the guest speaker, kids on the show and both anchors. Government too provides privileges to such children and thus the show highlights them too. However, disability is also a political issue; the disabled have no right to marry or vote. यह अंक मानसिक मंदिता से प्रभावित बच्चों की इच्छाओं, मुद्दों और अनुभवों पर आधारित है। इस अंक में मानसिक मंदिता से ग्रसित बच्चों ने अपने विचार बांटे हैं। आँचल चेरिटेबल ट्रस्ट से जुड़े श्री संजीव शील ने बच्चों में मानसिक मंदिता होने वाले कारकों को विस्तार से बताया है, साथ ही साथ सरकार से मिलने वाली सुविधाओं से भी अवगत कराया है। श्री संजीव ने आम जनता से इनको सहयोग देने की अपील की है, ताकि ये स्वावलंबी बन सकें।

Children with disability - Baat nanhe dillo ki ( Hindi)   
 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

3rd December is the World Disability day. Everyone has the right to live, the right to lead a normal and healthy life with the basic needs taken care of. So do disabled children. This episode discusses the rights of disabled children. The symptoms of disability, the intensity, the reasons…all are discussed among the guest speaker, kids on the show and both anchors. Government too provides privileges to such children and thus the show highlights them too. However, disability is also a political issue; the disabled have no right to marry or vote. यह अंक मानसिक मंदिता से प्रभावित बच्चों की इच्छाओं, मुद्दों और अनुभवों पर आधारित है। इस अंक में मानसिक मंदिता से ग्रसित बच्चों ने अपने विचार बांटे हैं। आँचल चेरिटेबल ट्रस्ट से जुड़े श्री संजीव शील ने बच्चों में मानसिक मंदिता होने वाले कारकों को विस्तार से बताया है, साथ ही साथ सरकार से मिलने वाली सुविधाओं से भी अवगत कराया है। श्री संजीव ने आम जनता से इनको सहयोग देने की अपील की है, ताकि ये स्वावलंबी बन सकें।

Inclusion and Equity --> Disabled

37 Programme(s)

An individual may also qualify as disabled if he/she has had an impairment in the past or is seen as disabled based on a personal or group standard or norm. Such impairments may include physical, sensory, and cognitive or developmental disabilities. Explore this section for radio programmes on this theme