<p>Signature Programme: Saptrangi,Vadhmana, RuduUpvan, VadloBoleChe, Killol, RudinoRadio, SatvikJivan and AakashmareAambhanuche. Community Participation: Member basedorganisationslikeco-operatives,Selfhelp groups,savingsand creditassociations are encouraged tocontributesmall amounts for developing content for the radio programmes in exchange of information on several issues. Women, children, elders and youth participate through ShrotaMandals (Listener Groups). Radio programmes are also narrow cast for wider reach. Innovation in format: The radio station runs phone-inprogrammessothatlistenerscan personallysharetheirviewsbycallingthestudio and participate with the phone-out sessions wherethe announcerspersonallycalllistenerstotake viewsand feedback. There is also a ‘liveclassroom’ to aid students in learning.</p>