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आपन देह आपन देखभाल (एपिसोड - 240) (Bhojpuri)

आपन देह आपन देखभाल कार्यक्रम में स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी घरेलु नुस्खों से संबंधित जानकारी रेडियो रिमझिम के माध्यम से दी गई है। 

Programme Format: Documentry
Date of Broadcast: 0000-00-00
Date of Upload: 2014-09-21 06:22:52
File Format: MP3
Themes: Poverty and Livelihood --> Livelihood

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Radio Rimjhim

Vision: To have a just, healthy and self-reliant society where, equal opportunities are made available to the disadvantaged mainly the women.

Mission: Holistic Development of the Society and to reduce poverty among rural masses in which women will play a proactive role and to ensure basic infrastructural facilities and to equip them with knowledge, information and skills to cope up their problems by themselves.

Seeing the poverty and illiteracy in the society and the desire to improve their condition of people gave rise to a dream to improve their lot. Realising this dream became our inspiration.

Vocational Training Programme

Our Society organized Computer Training Programme in Gopalganj District of Bihar State. The programme has helped the SC/ST & General weaker section and economically the most backward classes to earn their livelihood students benefited from this programme. Studen were acquainted with the knowledge of handling computer and making use of it the use of computer in education and others fields were highlighted.

Health & Family Welfare programme

The family welfare programme started by the society with the objective of reducing the birth rate to the extent necessary to stabilize the population at a level consistent with the requirements of the National Economy.  Society organized family welfare programme in many places of Gopalganj District of Bihar. The literacy rate of the states are very low and the need of aware of the people fact that a small family is a healthy one.  The effectively couple protected. About this programme main view of the society is to provide family planning services within the broader context of maternal and child health care. It disseminates information and education to enable couples to make voluntary informed choices regarding size of the family and spacing through contraception.




AYODHYA LAL KALYAN NIKETAN, GOPALGANJ Project Management Committee started a welfare programme especially for SC/ST agriculture income based education and income generation programme under women & children were benefited from this programme in this financial year.
AYODHYA LAL KALYAN NIKETAN, GOPALGANJ regularly organized the disabled detection camp in the district of identifying the hidden handicapped person with Vocational Rehabilitation Centre, for Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India. The identified person being issued Handicapped Certificate by CMO, Bus/Train pass by DSWO and also been canalized for loan to NHDFC, for economic rehabilitation. The AIDS/Appliance also distributed to the selected beneficiaries through organizing sub-division level camps.


Animals contribute to be an essential part of the human civilization. There has been an increasing trend of killing animals for different purposes. For the same, the organization organized meetings and seminars to create awareness among people about the importance of different animals, consequent impact of killing animals. They were encouraged to adopt homeless and street animals in general and dogs in particular. They were also sensitized through distribution of pamphlets throwing light on prevailing laws and list of conservative animals.



Women are being teased openly, molested mercilessly, stabbed ruthlessly, thrown out or running trains, burnt alive, attacked with acid, kidnapping and raped the list goes on impossible to tell apart. Self-protection gears up a woman to fight all this. Crime against women are growing by day, but most women still shy away from learning self-defense skills, they rather react negatively and see it as tomboyish and unladylike, or they think themselves too old for it, but according to society no age to teach self-defense and in view of present it is necessity of time.
In the beginning when advised to take up self-protection courses, most women react negatively, as they misunderstand the meaning of the term ‘self-protection’. But society realizes it is unfair to blame them for this because since childhood they have been conditioned to be physically non-aggressive and avoid hurting others.  The most important aspects of self-protection are the awareness to recognize potential danger, avoid or neutralise any tense situation with assertiveness, verbal tactics, safety strategies and resorting to physical tactics as a last effort, which enables the would-be victim to effectively prevent, resist, escape and survive a close encounter.

Society organized self-defense key programme for women’s protection, where society trained women how defense by any incident. Women’s self-protection has infact, become a necessity in today’s world. Just as it is essential to know how to swim order to survive in water, it is essential to know how to be able to protect one-self in order to survive on land. It is high time women overcame social conditioning to passivity, helplessness, low-esteem and self-sacrifice. Self-defense key teach women’s by an expert also distributed books to teach them.


Youth Welfare & Sports Programme has been define by „Matthew Arnold in literature and
dogma as the derriere and quest to know the best that has been abide and thought in the
world” It appease to be liberal and broad view of the culture but is not comprehensive culture
must be total product of charred and not merely on acquisition from without.
A nation without a culture heritage is like an orphan who has nothing to fend upon. Indian
culture is deeply rooted in her post. The Indian collates is essentially religious and
spiritualism is the breath of its nostrum Religion is our soul and philosophy.
The Continuity and vitality of Indian Sports culture is one amazing indeed. It is every
powerful all embracing process. In the post it has received adopted and digested the elements
of many different culture Indo-European, Mesopotamian, Iranian, Carets Roman etc.




Signature Programme Baat Behno Ki,Aapka Patra Mila,Aap Ki Baat Radio Rimjhim Ke Saath, Rimjhim chale Gawe-Gaon, Career Councilling, Khet Kalihan,Ek Mulakat, Badh Suraksha etc.

Funding and Partnerships Radio Rimjhim has partnered with a number of Self Help Groups besides NGOs in its area of operation. Technical support and training was provided by the Webel Mediatronics, Kolkata The initial funding for starting the Radio station came as a loan from the Bank of India besides contribution of local people. Advertisements of local shop-keepers have helped sustain the radio station.

A new awakening has come about among the people listening to the radio programmes. There is a curiosity for information, especially regarding health and career. We realise now that the people need an opportunity to listen to a programme in their own language.

Md. Akhtar Alam from Kuchaikot block,village, Jagga Rampur, took help of our programme for self-help groups and he is now teaching tailoring to many girls and boys.

Another listener, Nilu Devi, a labourer from Yadavpur, Gopalganj began sending her children to school after she heard programmes on Radio Rimjhim.

<p><strong>Core Team</strong></p> <p>Kripa Shankar Srivastava,Rajesh Rawat, Abhay Pratap, Neha, Afsar Ali and Ambrish.</p> <p><strong>CRMC members</strong></p> <p>Kripa Shankar Srivastava, Tejaswani, Shivji Shah, Nandlal Prasad, Ashok Kumar, Lalan Prasad, Guddi Devi, Shashikant Pandey, Umesh Prasad, Maya Devi and Krishna Shah.</p>

Radio Rimjhim,Banjari More, Gopalganj (Bihar) 841428

Phone: 09939395151
Email: radiorimjhim@gmail.com , radio.rimjhim@yahoo.in

Frequency : 90.4000015258789
Broadcast hours : 05:00-23:15
Established in : 2009-01-05
Org. / Institution :
Language : NA