14872 Audio Programmes | 34 Program Languages | 44 Program Themes | 156 CR Stations | 56 CR Initiatives | and growing...

Safety in kitchen (Malayalam)

LPG or cooking gas is a natural resource and is non-renewable in nature. Turn off the regulator nob when you are not using gas stove. It saves energy and keeps your home safe from any accident that may occur becuase of gas leakage. 

Participants: Tania Lewis
Programme Format: Jingle
Date of Broadcast: 0000-00-00
Date of Upload: 2012-08-08 06:14:27
File Format: MP3
Themes: Health --> Healthy Living

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Radio Mattoli

<p>Radio Mattoli functions as a platform to give voice to the people who generally have lesser access to massmedia or lack opportunity to express their views or concerns on issues affecting their lives. The programmes opens up possibilities for everyone, especially the marginalised sections, to express themselves socially, economically, culturally and spiritually in order to become masters of their own destinies.</p>

<p>Wayanad is basically an agrarian society. The district is backward as far as the socio economic and educational status is concerned. A Community Radio, it was felt, could be a good initiative to bring a change in the quality of the lives of the people in the region. An application for a Community Radio Station was put in in March 2007. The &nbsp;grant of permission agreement was signed on in June, &nbsp;2009 &nbsp;and &nbsp;on the &nbsp;same day radio Mattoli went &nbsp;on air.</p>

CR Station, Radio Mattoli @90.4 MHz Broadcasts daily for 16 hours between 6:00 am – 10:00 pm.

Languages of Broadcast: Malayalam, indigenous dialects of Paniya, Raavula, Adiya and Kattunayikka

Name of the Programme Format Timing Description
NABARD Vardhini Mix Format-Interview, Skit, dialogue It broadcast from 7:30 am – 8:00 am and a repeat of the programme is aired from 9:00 pm – 9:30 pm. In association with NABARD Radio Mattoli is producing and broadcasting a fresh half an hour programme in the morning, and a repeat broadcast on same evening on five days of the week. Experts and officials from the field are invited to participate in the programme. Methods of modern agriculture, success stories of the farmers from the district, new Government Schemes, innovate methods, etc. are regularly aired in the programme
Mattoli Club Time Mix Format-Songs, Skit, story telling, talk, play etc. It broadcast every day from 1:15 pm – 1:40 pm. And it is epeated every day 9:00 am – 9:25 am. Students from different schools participate in the programme. The programme is played in the schools during their recess. Aim is to foster the young talents and promotion of value education.
Vanitha Mattoli Mix Format-Interview, Skits,  Discussions, Talks, Experience Sharing and Success Stories It broadcast daily 1:00 pm – 1:15 pm and it is repeated from 9:35 pm 10:00 pm Developed by expert women volunteers and field experts from the community, it brings representatives from the local self governance, officials from various
Government Departments, house wives, students and social activists participate
in the programme. We discuss various issues confronted by women in the field of health, education, politics, etc
Khadigharam Radio Documentary– Interactive providing public and official view points It broadcast from 7:30 pm – 7:50 pm on all Wednesdays. It is repeated next day from 10:05 am–11:25 am and every Friday from 4:05 pm – 4.25 pm. Khadighram discusses various contemporary issues of Wayanad district such as river pollution, road issues, public transport, consumer affairs, health issues etc. The version of the people and the official version of the selected issue are broadcast.
Thudichetham Mix Format-Skit, Folk songs, Interview, Documentary It broadcasted from 8:05 pm – 8:20 pm every day and repeat is aired
from 2:30 pm – 2:45 pm next day
This is produced and broadcast in indigenous dialect, with the assistance of volunteers and resource persons from the indigenous community. A programme by the name Namma Sasthra (our science) is broadcast in which scientific explanation to every day events like the function of a Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL), mobile phones, motor vehicle, etc. and it explains the diverse cultural practices of different indigenous groups and popularizing science. Further, it discusses various concerns of the indigenous population

Source: Compendium 2011 and 2012, CEMCA and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.

<p>Signature Programmes: ATMA Vayalnadu, and ATMA Njattuvela both agriculture/farm based programs, VanitaMattoli and Janavaani, Thudichetham programmes in tribal dialects are the signature programmes of Radio Mattoli. Thudichetham consists of programs related to tribal culture, health, success stories. Innovations in Format: Radio documentaries, success stories, skits, radio dramas, live phone-in programmes, interviews, panel discussions, women oriented special programs etc. Radio Mattoli has one tribal youth as its staff program producer, and many tribal volunteers are associated with him for making Thudichetham.</p>

<p>Funding and Partnerships: Infrastructure development and procurement of technical items was funded by the parent NGO. We have alsomobilised financial resources fromthe Government through project funding. Apart from this, we managed to get empanelled with DAVP and PRD of the State Government.</p>

<p>Many public concernshave been addressed by the active involvement of RaidoMattoli towards public &nbsp;issues through Janavani. Radio Mattoli&rsquo;s intervention also resulted in the allotment of a KSRTC bus service (morning and evening schedule) from Thaloor to Mananthavady via Meenangadi.&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>Core Team:</strong><br />Four among them are staff and othersare volunteers. They report tothe Assistant Director (Programmes), and the programmes go on air after the approval of the Assistant Director</p> <p><br /><strong>CRMC Members:</strong><br />Radio Mattolihas a Management Committee which has representationfrom different sections of the society. A core committee headed by the Station Director, Assistant Director (Broadcasting), Assistant Director (Program), and Junior Superintendent takes care of the day to day functioning of the station. Apart from this, wehave constituted panels of expert volunteers and accredited volunteers towards content research and development.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Community Radio Mattoli Dwaraka Nalloornadu PO Mananthavady Wayanad Dt. KERALA 670645
Phone: 09446034422,
Email: radiomattoli@gmail.com

Frequency : 90.4000015258789
Broadcast hours : 6.00 Hrs-23.00 Hrs
Established in : 2009-06-01
Org. / Institution :
Language : NA