14872 Audio Programmes | 34 Program Languages | 44 Program Themes | 156 CR Stations | 56 CR Initiatives | and growing...

Ajeevika (Hindi)

It is a part of a series of radio programmes based on sustainable livelihoods. The present programme speaks about the necessary precautions that should be taken during threshing of crops.

Programme Format: Magazine
Date of Broadcast: 0000-00-00
Date of Upload: 2014-05-27 00:54:12
File Format: MP3
Themes: Poverty and Livelihood --> Agriculture

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Radio Bundelkhand

<p>Radio Bundelkhand caters to the needs of the local community,giving a voice to the voiceless communities by creating andbroadcasting programmes of local interest, whileaddressing theirproblems through infotainment.</p> <p>Radio Bundelkhand looks at enabling and empowering communities, especially women,youth and marginalised groups, so that they take charge of their own lives as the radio programmes air solutions for fulfilling basicneeds like clean water, housing, energyand agriculture and non-farmlivelihoods.</p>

<p>Development Alternatives (DA), one of India&rsquo;s leading civil society organisationsdedicated to sustainable development of the community ofBundelkhandhas long felt thatcommunication is a challenge for development of the region.There was virtually no communication platform apart from either from the governmentor private media for the rural people in the backward, drought-prone region to benefit from.</p> <p>DA believes that Community Radiocan be a good platform for sustainable and interactive dialogue forthe poor and the illiterate in Bundelkhand that will enable the localpopulation to access the power of electronic communication.</p>

Radio Bundelkhand @90.4 MHz broadcasts eight hours of programmes between 10:00 am – 2:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm.

Languages of Broadcast: Bundeli, Simple Hindi (sparingly) with a local texture of language, which can be understood by the local community.

Name of the Programme Format Timing Description
Khet Khalihan Se Interview, Discussion, Focus group Discussion, Radio report, phone in (recorded/live/ teleconferencing/) etc. 10:05 am – 11:00 am
2:05 pm – 3:00 pm
Since 2011 it is broadcasting thrice in a week. Combination of three different kind of information based on Agricultural practices, Livestock management and Market price.
Meri Bundeli Mere Geet Request based local folk based musical programme 11:00 am – 12:00 noon
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Since 2011 its episodes increased on demand of listeners and now broadcasting thrice in a week. In this programme, every week telephone lines open to record the listeners’ request for folk songs
Mujhe Haque Hai Interview, Discussion 10:05 am – 11:00 am
2:05 pm – 3:00 pm
A weekly programme based on access to entitlement, a Government or non government scheme’s information is disseminated to listeners, share, and beneficiary’s experiences with the listeners
Rasoi se Sehat ka Safar Interview, Talk, Discussion 10.05 am – 11:00 am
2:05 pm – 3:00 pm
This weekly programme is a bunch of information on daily life tips related to health and daily life. One part of programme is based on local daily recipes, what are women preparing in their kitchen.
Hamari Chaupal Talks, Interviews, Discussion, Skits, Radio report and Travelogue etc 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm
5:00 pm – 5:30 pm
This daily programme is an open forum for different issues. Reports of local events, issues, festivals and problems, local historical places, stories of local historical literary and other personalities are also covered in this programme.

Source: Compendium 2011 and 2012, CEMCA and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.

<p>Signature Programme: Shubhkal, KhetKhaliyaan se, MujheHaqHai, Safar Rasoi se sehatka, HamaiChoupal Main, Hello Saheli and BaatNanheDillokietc Community Participation: Radio Bundelkhand is a participatory model and jointly managed and run by the community and Development Alternatives. Most of the programmes of Radio Bundelkhand are developed with the participation of local community. Approimately, 80 per cent of the programmes are developed with and by the community. Innovations in format: Radio Drama, Magazine format and audience Competitions</p>

<p>Funding and partnerships: Radio Bundelkhand started with joint funding from UNESCO and the core funds of Development Alternatives. Currently Radio Bundelkhand is getting funds from various agencies like Climate Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), DST, Sesame Street Workshop, India and Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) to name a few. Though supported by DA, but with limited available economic, human, and environmental resources, the project is still not financially sustainable.</p>

<p>Radio Bundelkhand offers a platform to the community to raise their voice, to solve their problems and to showcase their talent. There have been several occasions where the rural people have benefited from the advice offered by the Community Radio through agriculture, health and access to entitlement related programmes. On many occasions, women have called to share their stories.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>Core Team:</strong></p> <p>GazalaShaikh, Ashok Shukla, Sutul Srivastava and Pragya Tiwary.</p> <p><strong>CRMC members:</strong></p> <p>L P Anandani, Ajeet Dixit, Deepak Sharma, Virendra Singh, SurendraBabu, SubadraRai and others</p>

Radio Bundelkhand, Development Alternatives, Orchha, District Tekamgarh
Phone: 7680-290951, 8802483093
Email: ggshaikh@devalt.org

Frequency : 90.4000015258789
Broadcast hours : 10:00-14.30 Hours and 16:00 -20.00 Hours
Established in : 2008-10-1-23
Org. / Institution :
Language : NA