14872 Audio Programmes | 34 Program Languages | 44 Program Themes | 156 CR Stations | 56 CR Initiatives | and growing...

Yug Pravartak Vivekanand Ep - 92 (Hindi)

In this episode, we will listen about the reminiscences of Sister Christine about her guru Swami Vivekanand. She recollects the memories of different aspects of her guru’s character. Swamiji had a deep knowledge of history and was a great fan of Mughals, especially Akbar. He used to narrate Akbar’s and other prominent historical persons’ life stories to his foreign disciples.


Participants: Sandeep Sharma & Others
Experts: Dr. Papiya Dasgupta
Programme Format: Feature
Date of Broadcast: 0000-00-00
Date of Upload: 2013-10-30 05:40:25
File Format: MP3
Themes: Cultural Development --> Folk art, Music, Literature

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Radio Azad Hind

<p>The basic and primary focus of Radio Azad Hind is to provide listeners information on principles, lives and sacrifices of our freedom fighters during India&rsquo;s freedom struggle.</p>

<p>The station&rsquo;s inspiration was the first ever broadcast during India's freedom struggle movement made by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose from Azad Hind Radio on 25thMarch, 1942 from Berlin, Germany. The radio station is dedicated to freedom fighters.</p>

Tansmission 1st - Vande Matram, Mangal Dhwani, Program Highlights, Jeevan Saurabh, Akshay Nidhi, Bhakti Sangeet, Badhte Kadam, Suneheri Yaadein, Azad Hind, Parikrama, Vatan Ka Raag, Hindustan Hamara, Gaane Tarane, Azadi A Quiz Show, Aadi Vidrohi.

Tansmission 2nd - Program Highlights, Akshay Nidhi, Bhakti Sangeet, Badhte Kadam, Suneheri Yaadein, Azad Hind, Parikrama, Vatan Ka Raag, Hindustan Hamara, Gaane Tarane, Azadi A Quiz Show, Aadi Vidrohi.


<p>Signature Programme: Vatan Ka Raag, Hindustan Hamara, Yug Pravartak Vivekanad, Sunehri Yaadein, Azadi. Community Participation: Programmes are produced after deep discussion among writers, producers and presenters. Community participation is through letters and oral information which is included in programming.</p>

<p>Funding and Partnerships: At the time of inception,a fund was provided by Swaraj Sansthan Sachalany and the Dharampal Shodhpeeth, Bhopal for infrastructure, procurement and management. Fund for running the Community Radio Station are provided by the Swaraj Sansthan Sanchalanay, the Dharampal Shodhpeeth and the Vikramaditya Shodhpeeth. One of thepurposes of the Radio is to record all songs popular during freedom movement and the collection of biographical details of known and unknown freedom fighters and present these through educational and cultural programming.</p>

<p>Will be updated soon.</p>

<p><strong>Core Team:</strong><br />Shriram Tiwari , Sanjay Yadav, E S Guha, Jawahar Shah, Kanchan Rajani, Pramila Devakar, Ranu Sharma, Amit Kundani, Anju Kumar, Ankita, Pramod Sharma and Farnaz Hassan.</p> <p><strong>CRMC Members:</strong><br />Committee consists of writers, freedom fighters, media persons, educationist are included in the panel.</p>

Radio Azad Hind, 35 Rajeev Gandhi Parisar, Shyamla Hills, Bhopal - 462003
Phone: 9826289379, 755-6557908
Email: swarajbhavan@gmail.com

Frequency : 90.80000305175781
Broadcast hours : 07:00:00 - 12:00:00: Morning and 17:00:00 - 22:00:00 Evening
Established in : 2012-03-25
Org. / Institution :
Language : NA