<p>Neotech CR will provide wholesome programmes to entertain and enrich the lives of its listeners by promoting education, health, culture, languages, peace, harmony, agriculture and growth etc in society.</p>
<p>Through the Community Radio, we will serve the following areas of the Society:</p>
<p>Bring awareness among the youth about the adverse effect of alcoholism, untouchability and superstitious beliefs through the medium of radio transmission, thereby educating them to be responsible citizens for their society as well as for the nation at large.</p>
<p> Community Radio will enable people of the locality to synthesize their culture, language, songs, dance and rhythms of life with that of a modern one.</p>
<p>Since the English language is a must for the aspiring youth, Community Radio will offer a medium and simultaneously serve to lift the poorest section of the community by making them aware of their rights and fundamental duties.</p>
<p>The majority of population depends on agriculture for a living and so Neotech Community Radio will air programmes on scientific agricultural practices and new techniques and improved seeds and fertiliser to increase the produce from their land.</p>