14872 Audio Programmes | 34 Program Languages | 44 Program Themes | 156 CR Stations | 56 CR Initiatives | and growing...

हुनर है तो कदर हैं - 2 (Hindi)

दोस्तों किसान वाणी समय-समय पर अपने श्रोताओं के लिए नए नए प्रोग्राम प्रस्तुत करता है ...इसी श्रृंखला में NSDC यानि राष्ट्रिय कौशल विकाश निगम से सम्बंधित कार्यक्रम "हुनर है तो कदर है" प्रसारित कर रहा है | दोस्तों यह कार्यक्रम उन श्रोताओं के लिए काफी कारगर सिद्ध हो रहा है जो ग्रामीण या छोटे इलाकों में रह रहे हैं और अपना स्वयं का रोजगार स्थापित करना चाहते हैं |

Participants: Jitendar Sharma,Rashmi bhandari,
Experts: NSDC
Programme Format: Magazine
Date of Broadcast: 0000-00-00
Date of Upload: 2015-11-30 22:58:37
File Format: MP3
Themes: Poverty and Livelihood --> Livelihood

0 reviews

0.0 stars

Kisan Vani

<p>Kisan Vani strives to instill economic security and stability among farming community particularly small and marginal farmers through holistic development of agriculture and rural sector. &nbsp;Our mission is to empower the marginalised segments of community, by improving their access to useful information for betterment of their livelihood using ICTs.</p>

<p>Incorporated in 2001, under Section 25 of the Indian Companies Act, Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals, a network of agriculture and allied sector professionals, established this community radio station.</p>

Kisanvani Sironj CRS broadcasts programmes for 6 hours daily on issues relating to agriculture in their area. The broadcasts are between 6:00 am – 9:00 am and 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm.

Language of Broadcast: Hindi

Name of the Programme Format Description
Kisan bhaiyon ke liye ‘Phone-in’ programme Combo of experts’ talk and folk songs As explained in signature programme.
Lok Sangeet Folk songs In this programme, folk songs of local artists are aired. This is a very good platform for local artist to showcase their talent. Songs composed by these artists are always thematic and carry meaning messages (on education, health, agriculture, technology, etc.) for the listeners.
Gram Chopal Farmers’ Discussion/ Interview An unique effort of engaging community in Kisanvani. In this programme, Kisanvani volunteers go to Gram Chaupal and record crop discussions among farmers and community issues, which are later broadcast after appropriate editing.
Mandi Bhav News and interviews In this news bulletin, information on local commodities markets is broadcast.
Mausam Samachar News In this programme, weather update from Jabalpur Weather Station is aired. Also, agriculture experts issue weather based crop advisories to farmers.

Source: Compendium 2011 and 2012, CEMCA and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.

<p>Signature Programme: Kisan bhaiyon ke liye: A fusion of folk song and agro-information bulletins to convey important messages on social issues. Community Participation: The radio conducts local events like mushaira or kavi sammelan, quiz competition amongst students, folk-song competitions to generate interest from the local community members. Most of the programmes broadcast are interactive in nature. During harvest time, awareness camps are organised in the Community Radio Station premises, wherein representatives from various marketing department of respective boards inform farmers on variety solicited, procurement status, standard specification of products that would be procured by government agencies and related information.</p>

<p>Funding and partnerships: Funding at inception: Infrastructure development and procurement of technical items was supported by State Department of Agriculture, Madhya Pradesh. Revenue generated through advertisements meets recurring expenses. Contribution through advertisement accounts to 10 per cent of the total recurring expenses. ISAP cross-subsidizes operations of its Community Radio Station with its other agri-related projects for rest of the expenditure.</p>

<p>The radio has realised the importance of actively involving community members, in generating programmes for the Community Radio. Nearly 3000 farmers/villagers and 15 folk singers are in regular touch with Kisan Vani and has a repository of 200 folk songs in its library. The radio station is also working with various state ministries to help replicate this model.</p>

<p><strong>Core Team:<br />&nbsp;Rakesh batham</strong>, station in-charge assisted by Mohan Panthi.</p>

Kissan Vani, ISAP Community Radio Station, Mandi Prangan, Begam Bag, District - Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh, PIN – 464 228.
Phone: 9311309535, 9319969042, 7591-253942
Email: yash_jitu2002@yahoo.co.in

Frequency : 90.4000015258789
Broadcast hours : 00:07 – 00:10 Hours and 14:00 – 17:00 Hours
Established in : 2008-09-30
Org. / Institution :
Language : NA