Expectations on budget (Hindi)
Every year the parliament propose budget for the overall development of the country. Lot of promises are being made and in this episode we try to find out what people expect from the budget this year. We talk to Mr. Mazhar Hussain, Steering group member of WNTA, and Mr. Gopal Verma, State Co-ordinator of Centre for Dalit Rights, Rajasthan shared their views on budget 2010.
Participants: Ms. Sarita Bhatt, Mr. Mahipal and Mr. Sanjay Kumar
Experts: Mr. Gopal Verma and Mr. Mazhar Hussain
Programme Format: Interview
Date of Broadcast: 0000-00-00
Date of Upload: 2011-07-08 14:30:00
File Format: MP3
Themes: Governance --> Local Governance