Hamara Samvidhaan (Ep - 08) (Hindi)
Hamara Samvidhaan is a 13-part series on the Preamble to the Constitution of India. The program is a partnership between Gurgaon Ki Awaaz Samudayik Radio and We The People. Additional partners include: DIET-Gurgaon, DLSA-Gurgaon, SCERT-Gurgaon. The series has been produced under the Free/Dem project of Ideosync Media Combine with support from UN Democracy Fund.
This episode discusses discrimination on the basis of caste and the right to equality.
Participants: Vandana Thapaliyal, Vinita Singh
Experts: Bezwada Wilson
Programme Format: Discussion
Date of Broadcast: 0000-00-00
Date of Upload: 2016-02-25 13:16:21
File Format: MP3
Themes: Governance --> Rights and entitlements