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Hamara Samvidhaan (Ep - 07) (Hindi)

Hamara Samvidhaan is a 13-part series on the Preamble to the Constitution of India. The program is a partnership between Gurgaon Ki Awaaz Samudayik Radio and We The People. Additional partners include: DIET-Gurgaon, DLSA-Gurgaon, SCERT-Gurgaon. The series has been produced under the Free/Dem project of Ideosync Media Combine with support from UN Democracy Fund.

In this episode we explore gender discrimination and the right to equality.

Participants: Vandana Thapaliyal, Vinita Singh
Experts: Sunita Thakur
Programme Format: Discussion
Date of Broadcast: 0000-00-00
Date of Upload: 2016-02-25 13:01:59
File Format: MP3
Themes: Governance --> Rights and entitlements

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Gurgaon Ki Awaaz Samudayik Radio Station

<p>Gurgaon Ki Awaaz is a community radio station that seeks to be a platform for the voices of local villagers and migrant workers of Gurgaon. The vision of the station is to create a media space for folk culture that represents the myriad local and migrant communities that live and work in Gurgaon, and to energise the governance and rights debate by using the power of radio.&nbsp;</p>

<p>The genesis of Gurgaon Ki Awaaz lies in TRF's focus on career counseling for high school students in Gurgaon's government schools. Physically reaching out to more than 10,000 students over a period of 5 years, the NGO decided to move this program to radio, adding a wider media focus with programs on livelihood, health, folk culture, local governance and education.&nbsp;</p>

Content is yet to be updated by the station.

Programs include: Careers: Hum Hongey Kamyaab Livelihood: Apna Nazariya, Apna Kaam Health: Chahat Chowk, and Swasth Gurgaon Music: Geetmala, Apni Pasand Education: Galli Galli Sim Sim Migration: Sara Asmaan Hamara Financial Inclusion Local governance Legal literacy

Individual contributions Project-based funding Advertising

<p>The program Chahat Chowk, which is a Community Learning Program focussing on women's sexual and reproductive health has ignited a lively dialogue in the community about a woman's right to her own body, and the health issues that emerge post marriage regarding pregnancy, sexuality and child birth. An intensely participatory program, Chahat Chowk brings in key stakeholders such as the Civil Surgeon, ANMs from the village Mullahera, ANMs from partner NGO, St Stephens' Hospital, ASHA workers from Mullahera, the local councillor, and women from the community. Already, the ANM from Mullahera is seeing listeners coming to her PHC to get her advice on family planning and other sensitive issues. This is a direct result of the program, since the program features her in one section and listeners routinely want to know her contact details in the Live telephony section.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Station Director: Arti Jaiman</p> <p>Station Manager: Soumya Jha</p> <p>Reporters: Amrit, Hansraj, Vandna, Doliram, Sharmila</p>

27 Electronic City, Sector 18, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana 122016
Email: soumya.jha@trfindia.org

Frequency : 107.80000305175781
Broadcast hours : 8.30 am to 2pm; 4pm to 8.30am
Established in : November 2009
Org. / Institution :
Language : NA