14872 Audio Programmes | 34 Program Languages | 44 Program Themes | 156 CR Stations | 56 CR Initiatives | and growing...

Value of salt - Indegineous medicinal use of salt (Hindi)   
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नमक हम हमेशा खाने पीने के लिए ही प्रयोग में लाते हैं। हमने अपने कार्यक्रम में नमक की क्या अहमियत है हमारे जीवन में उसके ऊपर हमने एक चर्चा (ड्रामा) के माध्यम से इसको बताया गया है कि नमक सिर्फ खाने के लिए ही नहीं ब्लकि उसे इलाज के लिए भी इस्तेमाल में लाया जा सकता है।

Virasat : Conservation of heritage - History of Chanderi (Hindi)   
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इस कार्यक्रम में चन्देरी के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण स्थलों की जानकारी दी गई है ऊनके ईतिहास के बारे में बताया गया है।

Suhani ghazlein - Highlighting the local talent of Chanderi (Hindi)   
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रेडियो चंदेरी सामाजिक विषयों पर रेडियो कार्यक्रम तो प्रस्तुत करता ही है, परन्तु समय-समय पर स्थानीय लोगों के लिए मनोरंजन की सामाग्री भी परोसता है। कार्यक्रम में चंदेरी के स्थानीय फनकारों ने जीवन की सच्चाई से जुडी गजलों से श्रोताओं का समां बाँधा है।

Bleeding nose - Problem and remedy (Hindi)   
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इस कार्यक्रम में हमने बताया है कि गर्मी के मौसम में होने वाली समस्या नाक से खून आना आदि को कैसे रोक सकतें हैं, व इसके बचाव के तरीके के बारे में बताया है।

Good sanitation for healthy living - Gharelu swakshta (Hindi)   
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This drama emphasises the need for proper sanitation, for healthy living. It also explains the ill effects of not having a proper sanitation.

Natiya mushayra - Highlighting the local talents of Chanderi (Hindi)   
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कार्यक्रम के जरिये वच्चो को रेडियो के साथ जोडना तथा उनकी जो भावनाए है उन्हे् आगे लाना ताकि वह अपने आगे के भविष्य को अच्छा वना सके और रेडियो के माध्यम से अपना हुनर दिखा सके।

Sansar jagat - Rash driving (Hindi)   
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कहते है कि समय की रफफ्तार तेज होती है पर आजकल कुछ लोग समय की रफफ्तार से भी आगे निकलना चाहते हैं और आगे से कहीं और पहुच जाते है हम बात कर रहे हैं । तेज चलने बाले वाहनो की वह इतनी तेजी से चलते हैं कभी कबार उनहें सभलने का मौका भी नहीं मिलता है और दुर्घटनाओं का शिकार हो जाते है ।

Chanderi - Using ginger and gooseberry for better health (Hindi)   
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This programme is produced by people of Bunkar Vikas Sanstha Chanderi. In this programme participants speaks on Importance of Ginger and Gooseberry to make our life healthy.

Keeping the history alive - Tourist guides of Chanderi (Hindi)   
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चन्देरी कस्बा जो कि मध्य प्रदेश में स्थित हैं बहां प्राचीन काल की सवसे पुरानी धरोहर तथा गाथाओं को अभी भी जिन्होंने जिन्दा रखा है वो हैं हमारे टूरिस्ट गाइड जो परदेसी पर्यटको को पुरानी धरोहर के इतिहास और गाथाओं के बारे में बताते हैं । हमने इन गाइडो से बात की और इन्होने हमें हमारी पुरानी धरोहर गाथाओं के बारे में विस्तार से बताया जिन्हे भाग-दौड़ की ज़िन्दगी के बीच हम लगभग भूलते जा रहें हैं ।

Patriotic songs on Republic day (Hindi)   
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Chanderi Ki Awaaz celebrates Republic Day by singing patriotic songs through this special radio programme.

Chanderi Ki Awaaz

<p>The main objective of Chanderi Ki Awaaz is to reach out to every village and Panchayat of Chanderi. It also aims out to inform and educate people living in its broadcast area. Chanderi Ki Awaazstrives to make its listeners aware of their rights and duties as members of the community they live in.<br />Chanderi Ki Awaaz aims to use radio to connect and work with the 21 Panchayats of Chander. Besides informing and educating people on health, water sanitation, livelihoods, agriculture, welfare schemes, development of the weaver&rsquo;s community and their legal rights; the preservation of folk culture and local talent is one of the major objectives of Chanderi Ki Awaaz.</p>

<p>The journey of Chanderi Ki Awaaz began with OneWorld South Asia (OWSA) setting up a community multi-media centre in Chanderi with UNESCO&rsquo;s supportto provide computer and multi-media training to childrenfrom the community of weavers. Bunkar Vikas Sanstha &ndash; a local body of the weavers&rsquo; communitysubmitted an applicationfor licence and OWSAofferedcapacity building and advisory on Community Radio licensing, studio management and sustained, systematic radio production. Interestingly, volunteers built studio infrastructure and also helped pad studio walls with foam, fabric, egg-trays and curtains. They also fund-raised Rs. 32,000.</p>

The CRS Chanderi Ki Awaaz broadcasts @90.4 MHz daily for four hours between 7:00 – 9:00 am and 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Language of Broadcast: Hindi

Name of the Programme Format Description
Rahe Rojgar ki Talk We motivate youngsters towards new opportunities.
Dastane-e-Chanderi Documentary About the monuments of Chanderi and nearby areas.
Subah hoti hai Shaam hoti hai Interview About daily routine of the common people.
Kuch Lameh Sehat Bhare Information Programme provides information about health and hygiene.
Chughat ke pal Khol sakhi re Drama Programme provides information empowering women.

Source: Compendium 2011 and 2012, CEMCA and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.

<p>Signature Programmes: Panchatatva, Ishwar Allah Tero Naam, Subah Hoti Hai, Sham Hoti Hai, Prerak Prasang, Daastan-e-Chanderi, Raahein Rozgar Ki, Urdu Diary, Kuch Lamhe Sehat Bhare, Suni Ansuni Baatein, Hamare Fankaar, Lokgeet, Chahal Pahal, Sanjeevani and Mahak Chauke Ki. Community Participation: Community participation is the mantra of Chanderi Ki Awaaz and community participation is ensured in all programming. Most of Chanderi Ki Awaaz programmes are conceptualised and produced by the community. Dramas, interviews, live phone-in programmes and folk music are recorded and produced by the community. Phone-in programmes are helpful in getting feedback from listeners, focussing specially on issues like health, small scale industries, weaving, Bidi and Tendu patta. Besides these, the radio also broadcasts programmes on tourism and cultural activitieslike folk songs Rai and Daak so as to connect the community with their radio.</p>

<p>Funding and Partnerships: In the true spirit of community mobilisation, the initial capital cost of Rs 40,000 came from the community itself. In January 2011, BECIL provided Chanderi Ki Awaaza fully-equipped, solar powered studio. The annual recurring cost too is met by resources mobilised from within the community itself besides advertisements and support provided by agencies like theBunkar Vikas Sanstha and Apna Kosh. Support to the project in the pre-establishment phase was obtained from One World South Asia and UNESCO&rsquo;s IPDC funds.CEMCA has also provided us with capacity building opportunities and training support.</p>

<p>Will be updated soon.</p>

<p><strong>Core Team:</strong></p> <p>Swadesh Samaiya, Seema Seikh, Insaaf, Shabana and Krishna.</p> <p><strong>CRMC Members:</strong></p> <p>Champalal Ahirwar, Mohd Shaffeq, Abdul Rahuf, Hassin Uddin, Abdul Azim, Hari Narayan Ahirwar, Rafeek Khan, Swadesh Samaiya, Seema Seikh, Rahul Yagnik and Pooja Samaiya.</p>

Bunkar Vikas Sanstha, Old Bus Stand, C/o Sunil Jain’s Near Hotel Shrikunj, Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh, Pincode: 473446
Phone: 07547 – 253623, 9425768634
Email: chanderikiawaaz@gmail.com

Frequency : 90.4000015258789
Broadcast hours : 10:00-12:00 and 16:00-18:00 Hours
Established in : 2010-03-27
Org. / Institution :
Language : NA