14872 Audio Programmes | 34 Program Languages | 44 Program Themes | 156 CR Stations | 56 CR Initiatives | and growing...

Drug habits among the children - Baat nanhe dillo ki (Hindi)   
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Why do kids fall into drugs? What are the reasons? What can we do to help them? This episode takes you into the world of drug abuse and sinister addiction that is highly prevalent in the society today. Guest speakers, who are now working with the organization, share with us the story of their fight against drugs. An interview with the kids revealed how children eventually fall into the trap due to innumerable social and mental pressures. Measures to help prevention are given a special highlight.

Children rights to association-Baat nanhe dillo ki (Hindi)   
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Children today are not aware of their rights and need to be educated for them. They don’t get any say in matters of rights and demands. Various organizations have been introduced which are working for the problem. On this episode, one of the organizations, Badhte Kadam compiled a list of demands from children from all over delhi that they wish to submit to the higher authorities. The show helped their motive to reach to the unconcerned authorities through radio. The episode highlighted the importance of letting children participate and how it would be very good for development and help in communication and growth.

Child rights-Baat nanhe dillo ki (Hindi)   
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The organization celebrated the International child rights day, 20 November, with a few kids invited to the studio. The chat that follows talks about the basic rights of children, like the freedom of expression, security, education ,play,food etc. The emphasis is also on how without birth certificates children are not able to avail such rights. Not everyone gets the rights that they should. The under privileged are not taken care of. Child rights should be established from the moment it is in the womb.

Child Rights - Baat Nanhe Dillo ki (Hindi)   
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The episode deals with children’s rights. Ironically, it is mostly children who are not aware of them. The discussions on drugs, child labour, handicapped children, child marriage, exploitation such as taking over of play grounds, sexual discrimination and inadequate educational means endeavour to spread awareness. Mr. subhash from ‘Badhte kadam’ talks about presenting a report to the government. The Guest speaker, Sanjay Tewari, senior programme coordinator of Child Life India talks about how we should remember our duties and help the children in need if we want our country to develop.

Female foeticide - Baat nanhe dillo ki (Hindi)   
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They say, a country can never progress unless its women are free. However, what should happen if she is killed before she can even breathe? The episode brings forth to us to the issue of female rights. Various girls are interviewed on how girls can achieve whatever they want to do. Illiteracy and unfair discrimination form the major reasons which lead to killing of the baby girl. The Prenatal Diagnostic Technique Act, 1994 (PNDT Act) passed by the government is also talked about. Even though times are changing nowadays, we still need to put in a lot of effort to go ahead and fight the issue.

Authoritative parenting - Baat nanhe dillo ki (Hindi)   
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This episode saw new anchors Yash and Apoorva. It talks about the sensitive but universal issue of authoritative parenting; How parents don’t give the child responsibility rather they try to control their lives and mould them according to their preference. Even though at times, parents need to be strict, yet they need to understand their limits in order to save their child from emotional stress which might end up hampering their personalities. Guest Parents on the show shared their views with the anchors while kids talked about their expectations from parents. The guest speaker, Dr. Gagandeep gave valuable advice on the subject.

Children with disability - Baat nanhe dillo ki (Hindi)   
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3rd December is the World Disability day. Everyone has the right to live, the right to lead a normal and healthy life with the basic needs taken care of. So do disabled children. This episode discusses the rights of disabled children. The symptoms of disability, the intensity, the reasons…all are discussed among the guest speaker, kids on the show and both anchors. Government too provides privileges to such children and thus the show highlights them too. However, disability is also a political issue; the disabled have no right to marry or vote. यह अंक मानसिक मंदिता से प्रभावित बच्चों की इच्छाओं, मुद्दों और अनुभवों पर आधारित है। इस अंक में मानसिक मंदिता से ग्रसित बच्चों ने अपने विचार बांटे हैं। आँचल चेरिटेबल ट्रस्ट से जुड़े श्री संजीव शील ने बच्चों में मानसिक मंदिता होने वाले कारकों को विस्तार से बताया है, साथ ही साथ सरकार से मिलने वाली सुविधाओं से भी अवगत कराया है। श्री संजीव ने आम जनता से इनको सहयोग देने की अपील की है, ताकि ये स्वावलंबी बन सकें।

Right to shelter - Baat nanhe dillo ki (Hindi)   
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इस कार्यक्रम में बच्चों के रहने के अधिकार पर चर्चा की गयी है| कामकाजी बच्चों ने इस कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से अपने अनुभवों और विचारों को बांटा है | गूँज संस्था से जुड़े श्री अंशु जी ने व्यर्थ के कपड़ो को रीसायकल पद्दति के द्वारा दुबारा से प्रयोग में लाने के अपने कार्यक्रम के बारे में बताया है| समाज सेविका बानो जी ने भी बेघर लोगो विशेषकर महिलाओं के लिए अपने द्वारा किये गए कार्यों के बारे में अपने अनुभवों को बांटा है| आश्रय अधिकार अभियान से जुड़े श्री संजय जी ने अपने अभियान के बारे में चर्चा की है|

Literacy Day - Baat Nanhe Dillo Ki (Hindi)   
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Even though kids want to study, they are forced to leave school to go and work. This episode celebrates International Literacy Day, 8th September. The situation of illiterate children in India is discussed. Illiteracy, family pressure, bad financial health form the major causes of this problem. However, kids who’re already in school have also been seen to leave school due to badly maintained institutions, corporal punishments, uncooperative teachers and unsupportive parents. Until and unless government doesn’t provide proper infrastructure and well-educated teachers, India will never be rid of illiteracy.

Right to Live with Dignity - Baat Nanhe Dillo Ki (Hindi)   
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There are 40 crore kids in India today. Like everyone else they have the right to live with dignity. The episode brought forward the issue of how kid’s are taken for granted, irrespective of whether it is by parents, teachers or anyone in general. Parents and teacher’s especially play a huge role in hampering a child’s morale by scolding them in a fashion which hurts their self respect. Verbal abuse, excessive scolding and threatening damages them thoroughly. When asked, kids stressed on being talked to with respect, no verbal abuse, encouragement, support during crisis and being given the time for playing also. It should be taken care of that even though a little bit scolding is necessary if a child is going wrong but excessive beating and pressurizing affects them badly and might lead to suicides.

Bat Nanhe Dilon Ki

To create awareness and enforce child rights, OneWorld - in collaboration with CHETNA-PLAN India - produced a 26-episode radio series tit

Content is yet to be updated by the station.

Content is yet to be updated by the station.

Content is yet to be updated by the station.

Content is yet to be updated by the station.

C-5 Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi - 110016

Org. / Institution : Chetna in partnership with OneWorld
Language : NA