Community Radio Licence Procedure
(i) The following types of organisations shall be eligible to apply for Community Radio licences:
a) Community based organisations, which satisfy the basic principles listed at para 1 above...
a) It should be explicitly constituted as a non-profit organisation and should have a proven record of at least three years of service to the local community.
b) The CRS to be operated by i...
i) The basic objective of the Community Radio broadcasting would be to serve the cause of the community in the service area of the Permission Holder by involving members of the community in the bro...
i) Applicants will be eligible to seek funding from multilateral aid agencies. Applicants seeking foreign funds for setting up the CRS will have to obtain FCRA clearance under Foreign Contribution ...
i) CRS shall be expected to cover a range of 5-10 km. For this, a transmitter having maximum Effective Radiated Power (ERP) of 100 W would be adequate. However, in case of a proven need where the a...
(i) In case there is any violation of conditions cited in 5(i) to 5(viii), Government may suo motto or on basis of complaints take cognisance and place the matter before the Inter-ministerial Commi...
i) The programmes should be of immediate relevance to the community. The emphasis should be on developmental, agricultural, health, educational, environmental, social welfare, community development...
i) The Grant of Permission Agreement period shall be for five years.
ii) The Grant of Permission Agreement and the Permission letter will be non-transferable.
iii) No permission fee...
a) Applications shall be invited by the Ministry of I&B once every year through a national advertisement for establishment of Community Radio Stations. However, eligible organisations and educa...